This once called ‘Sleepy Hollow’ is not as sleepy these days as you’d think. Geelong is Victoria’s second largest city after Melbourne and let’s be honest, when they were dishing out the looks there are far prettier places on the Bellarine Peninsula. Then when they were handing out wealth, top honours went to goldrush cities like Ballarat and Bendigo, so Geelong was left the ugly, poorer sister but she was clever she took heavy manufacturing!

There is nothing wrong with building your future on hard work and industry, it has served Geelong well over the years. Ever the master of re-invention, today as Australia’s car industry and other manufacturing declines, Geelong is emerging as a centre based on health, education and advanced manufacturing. I rather like Geelong, it’s a city with personality!

Geelong beach front
Geelong is 75km South West of Melbourne and as both a shipping and rail hub for the area, I thought for those of you here with me on our virtual Wander Victoria tour,  I would change it up a bit and we could take the train! 

Melbourne’s extensive rail network is a good option for travel.

The beauty of this is that I can take a local train from my house to Melbourne’s Southern Cross train station and then we can take a V-line train which will have us in Geelong in just over an hour.

The last time I was in Geelong was in 2013 for a half Iron Woman competition. First there was a 35 minute swim, then nearly three hours of cycling and finally almost two hours of running – I was pooped by the end!

Ha! Not that I was competing, no just trying to run around being in the right spot for viewing! I have included this picture above for two reasons, one you can see across the bay to Melbourne in the dim distance and secondly for the gent in the corner with his typically Aussie hat. Here is a photo of our neice as she approaches the finishing line!

Geelong Multi Sport Festival

Geelong is on the Bellarine Peninsula, which means it has the protected Bay beach, yet further around the peninsula one of the towns we enjoy visiting is Barwon Heads. Here are a few photos from our photo albums.

Bellarine Peninsula at Barwon Heads

Surfing is huge in the area, you are not far from Bells Beach, one of Australia’s best surfing beaches and home to the Rip Curl Pro series.

Off Surfing at Barwon Heads, Bellarine Peninsula
Eucalyptus in full bloom at Barwon Heads

Watch out Sharks!
Thank you for joining me for G on my April A to Z Challenge,
Tomorrow we are off to Hepburn Springs to continue our yoga trip we started at D is for Daylesford!
Linking with thanks to Gemma at the following:

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