I’m interrupting my Myanmar posts to bring this announcement: 
Summer is over.

Australia is now officially in autumn!

Inverloch, Victoria – Summer 2016

We seemed to gallop through summer this year, but it was a good one.
Although come to think about it the reason it went by in a flash 
was I had December in the UK and February in Myanmar.
 I was out of Australia for one month of it!

Hey, quiet in the back rows.
I know some of you are smirking that I’m practically ‘out of it’ year round 🙂
Gunnamatta Ocean Beach – Mornington Peninsula
Of course just to lull us into a false sense of security 
with our sudden rude onset of early winter. 
It’s 34 degrees here in Melbourne today. 
With the same highs forecast tomorrow – Yay! 
It is the warmest start to March in eleven years, so it’s not all bad here.

Portsea Ocean beach – Mornington Peninsula
Every Summer has it’s own story. 
As you gallop towards yours in other countries, 
I wish you the best summer ever and some wonderful summer memories.

Now anyone seen my sunnies? I seem to have left them somewhere.

Have fun and take care

Linking with thanks at Our World Tuesday

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