Today over two hundred and fifty of the Queen’s horses took part in Trooping of the Colour.
It is exciting to be in London at the moment.
The country is getting ready for a massive party.
No, not the one when England, Wales or even better Northern Ireland, make it to the finals of Euro2016 football.
No, the one for Our Maj, she’s turning 90 you know!
Last weekend we got up early to have a jog round Hyde Park. Well, on account of my dodgy knee, I was planning on a walk, to take a few photos, and to head straight for the Serpentine cafe to meet Mr Wren.
‘Mine’s a skinny cappucino’ thanks.
When out of nowhere, the Household Cavalry appeared. Such a glorious sight, horse after horse, after horse. Uniforms polished and perfected, bright and shiny. Horses with pricked ears in calm formation.
This had me trotting up the entire length of South Carriage Drive, like a spring chicken, not an old wren, dodgy knee, what dodgy knee? I’m sure I ran further than any runner that day!
The ceremonial Mounted Regiment are garrisoned at Hyde Park Barracks. They are the Queens official bodyguards with traditions dating back to 1660. The different pony tails on the Troopers helmets indicate the different regiments. The Life Guards have the red tunics and white plumes, the red plumes with navy tunics are The Blues and Royals.
Anyone else feel a tad sorry for the policeman and horse bringing up the rear?
I wanted to rush out and at least offer him a red scarf!
Linking with thanks to Eileen at Saturday’s Critters