An A-Z of Wren’s Worldwide Wanderings

Hey, let’s do this! In case we haven’t met, my name’s Wren and here are a few photos to say G’day in advance of my third Blogging From A to Z Challenge.

Little Wandering Wren's Worldwide Wanderings

A to Z Challenge Reveal:

My theme this year will be: Around the World with Wren!

What is the A to Z Challenge?

This is the crazy month where I inflict a self-induced blogging frenzy into the mix and join hundreds of others around the world for the 10th A to Z blogging challenge. Yay!

From April 1st I’m going to be posting every day (except Sunday) on this blog.  I love this challenge, it pushes me to write daily and I love the connections I make throughout this process.

My previous A to Z challenges:

I’ve already survived two previous A to Z challenges. The first on my Aussie travels around my home state of Victoria, Australia, and the second on my Thai life, living in Bangkok. This year we’re going, global baby!

I thought why stay local when we have the whole world to explore? 

Does anyone else have a bad dose of Wanderlust?

We’ve got a busy schedule as it will be my aim to give you an armchair view of as many countries as possible at this time.

Won’t you join me for my birds-eye view of the world?

I forgot to introduce myself. They call me Wren as in the bird. As mentioned, I’m a British – Aussie (depending on who’s asking) currently with an empty nest for the most part in Bangkok, Thailand.

There is a crazy poodle in Melbourne Australia, Mr Wren with a global job, and a smattering of kids that we have to What’s App to find out where exactly they are in the world.

Now it’s a very good question whether I’m really an Aussie Blue Wren, or a brown British Wren, as I’m a dual national of both countries.

I guess the answer to this is who’s asking? I’m going to be starting this Blogging from A To Z Challenge writing from Paris, where after the Brexit debacle I’m firmly an Aussie Wren!


In fact, I have just heard on account of my British passport having a few days less than 6 months validity, and as things currently stand with a no-deal Brexit, that I will not be able to enter France on my British passport next week.

No problem! Here’s my Aussie Passport. OMG, that will be quite a moment for me. Having lived in Brussels for eight years, I’m rather pro-Europe and find the whole thing rather tragic.

 However, this little blog is my happy space in the world and where I can I will attempt to be giving you a light heart view of the world. We all need a bit of a laugh in our days, don’t we?

‘So without further ado …’ said the Actress to the Bishop or something, I’m going to be head down, bum up getting ready for this little event and look forward to seeing you in April. If you have any places you would like to visit let me know and I will see if we can get there!

Chocks away… come fly with me!


Chat soon.

Wren x





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Liz A. -

Oooh, a travel theme. Those are always fun.

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Thanks Liz for your enthusiasm. We’ll be notching up a few air-miles!
Wren x

Karen -

Wonderful! x

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Thanks Liz for your enthusiasm. We’ll be notching up a few air-miles!
Wren x

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Yay! Lovely to have you along Karen. You have covered a few miles with me on previous challenges and it will be great to have you along this time 🙂
Wren x

Eileen Wise -

Hello, Oh yes I would love to travel more. A limited budget keeps me from the world wide traveling. I heard Americans may need a VISA in 2020 to travel to Europe. Not sure if this is true for visiting all countries. It seems like it should get easier to travel and not harder. I do enjoy following your travels, lovely images and post. Keep them coming. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

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Hi Eileen, yes my American friends were talking about this too that from 2021, they will need a visa to enter Europe. They said it was a tit for tat visa as Europeans already require an ESTA visa to enter the USA!
I must say for my family getting a visa to enter the US has always been a simple and quick process, so hopefully, this will be the same entering Europe for Americans.
I’m glad you enjoy following my travels, I certainly will keep them coming! Thanks for reading them.
Wren x

A ShutterBug Explores -

Lovely post and collage photos of your travels ~ ^_^

Please end your G+ account as it is becoming defunct shortly and not linking back to this blog ~ Had to track you down here

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Reply -

Hi Carol – You’re a star thank you for tracking me down! I will put a note on the Blogspot blog as well!
Lovely to see you here!
Wren x

Lady Fi -

Good luck with your challenge!

lowcarbdiabeticJan -

I wish you good luck with this challenge 🙂

All the best Jan

Elaine (Retired Knitter) -

Hello, and thank you for visiting my blog. I don’t get to travel at all … husband just isn’t in to it – so I would love to travel with you!! Thanks for the invitation!!!

Tamara -

Hello there, Wren, nice to meet you!
Thanks for visiting my blog, this is my favorite part of A-Z!
As I enjoy exploring the world as well I am very excited to be following your posts!

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Hi Tamara – I’m so happy you’re excited to be following along for the Worldwide A – Z challenge, now rest up it’s going to be an epic trip! 🙂
Lovely to meet you.
Wren x

Sallie -

It will be fun to armchair travel with you! Looking forward to the journey.

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Great Sallie – so glad you will be coming with me the more the merrier!
Have a great week
Wren x

Cathy Kennedy -


Traveling through the alphabet is a good theme and I’m sure it’ll be chockful of great photos. I can’t wait to see where you take me in your adventures around the world from A to Z! Happy writing and thanks for checking out my Theme Reveal this year, my friend!

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Hi Cathy – it’s great to have the support of fellow A-Z’ers thank you for stopping by. Here’s to a busy and fun April!
Wren x

Angie -

Wren – how fun! I have been experiencing a very specific type of wanderlust these last few weeks – the desire to go to the beach. Our winter is wrapping up, and we are entering “no man’s land” – enough snow around that you can’t hike or work in the garden, but too warm for winter sports. Sounds like the right time to go to the beach, right? Love your mosaics – I had fun studying them and trying to imagine all the locations! Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

Angie -

Me again. Thanks for the invitation to participate in the A to Z challenge, but I think daily posting would be more pressure than I could handle!

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I get that Angie – let’s see how I do, if I disappear into a blank screen You’ll know I feel the same!

Su-sieee! Mac -

Hello Aussie Blue Wren! I didn’t know you were once a brown British wren, no, also. I like the blue look myself, but then I “met” you when you were living in Australia several years ago. That’s a great theme. I’m still sitting on the fence about doing another round of the April ABC. Have fun around the world. 🙂

Linda Walcroft -

Thanks for the intro! Yes, Brexit is a sad mess. Not that we’re doing well in the States either.

Frédérique -

Love to travel! And from France, such a delight 😉 (of course, I’m French!). Looking forward to travel with you via A to Z!

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Fantasique Frederique – Will be coming to you live from Paris next week as they say. Can’t wait to be in your wonderful country and looking forward to both our A-Z’s!!
Wren x

Pat -

I will enjoy doing armchair travel along with you, Wren! I love to travel but most of it has been local these past few years as we help with the grandchildren quite a bit. It is nice you have dual citizenship. My husband was born in Italy, but he became a naturalized American citizen when he was an adult and to get back the Italian citizenship is difficult.

Reply -

Perfect Pat, come and enjoy some armchair travel, any time you get a break from the grandchildren! It will always be lovely to see you here. AND having seen the adventures you are having with the Grands I will be over for pasta and ice cream, some fresh air and a whole lot of fun in your beautiful part of the world.
Yes, we are certainly blessed to have the option for dual citizenship, how lovely that your family has Italian heritage.
Have fun
Wren x

Tanza Erlambang -

lovely photos….
have a great day

Morgan -

Hi Wren! I love travel and reading travel posts, especially with a lot of pictures. Your blog will be on my to read list for the A to Z Challenge.

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Thank you Morgan, it will be great to have you join us, lovely to meet you here.
Wren x

Chase -

Ooh, a travel blog! Great!! Looking forward to getting some travel ideas!

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Lovely to see you here! Glad you like a travel blog, off to Australia first!
Wren x


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