Kata Beach on the west coast of Phuket is a popular beach for its 1.5km sandy bay, perfect for watersports. We’ve seen paddle boarders, kayakers and surfers enjoying the beach break and I’m kicking myself that our New Year’s Eve beach celebration was not here and include a visit from the world’s biggest turtle to lay some 50-60 eggs!
The turtle came ashore in front of Kata Beach Community Park just before 1 am and stayed until 4.30 am before making the cumbersome trek back into the Andaman Sea. Long enough for officers from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) to have gathered the vital statistics. The Impressive shell was reportedly 150 cm long and each front flipper 86cm long. At 300 kg, my research shows she was just a baby leatherback herself as they can weigh 500 kgs.
The large nest site has now been sealed off and we have to wait until early March to see the baby turtles. That would be such a wondrous sight.
This turtle is a gift to Phuket maybe she knew when she lay her precious eggs that her babies would be able to hatch in unprecedented times. Due to the recent increase in COVID-19 numbers, here in Thailand, domestic travel has been curtailed in 2021. The only people using the beach these days are locals.

Turtle care on Kata Beach
The nest site is under DMCR 24-hour protection and the nest area has been sealed off. On the roadside, a large blue turtle tent has appeared as an opportunity to educate people regarding this extraordinary event. Whilst leatherbacks turtles are not on the extinct list they are listed as vulnerable.
No wonder their numbers would have seriously declined in this part of the world. Thailand was expecting 40 million tourists in 2020, finding a quiet beach to lay your eggs would have been an ask.
I’m going to stick my neck out here and say there is a lesson to us all from this gentle giant of a turtle. Give nature a chance and she will return. To all those here in Kata – Karon who have lost yet another season of income without the tourists, we see your pain and your suffering. Whilst this will in no way ease the financial heartache of the pandemic, I hope it is some solace in these COVID days.
Can you imagine it? The largest turtle in the world has not been seen on the beach for decades and she chooses New Year’s Day to come ashore. We can but dream that this is a sign that good times will return.
May you be blessed with fifty-plus baby turtles in the coming weeks.
Twenty-nine baby turtles hatched and made it to the sea on the night of February 26th, five baby turtles were released the following morning after a night in care. 32 did not hatch and 14 were not fertilised. There were 80 turtle eggs in all.
Swim well little turtles!
I am pleased to see the area was immediately protected to give those babies a chance. Thanks for the interesting post.
Thank you for stopping by to read about our turtles – not only are they protected with the fence around, they also are watched over 24 hours a day! It’s great to see as you say!
Wow – what a beauty!
This area of Phuket and Thailand is looking amazing this year – the turtle did well in her choice of beautiful beaches to lay her eggs!
Wren x
Hello, Wren
It seems like all the wildlife was given their space in 2020. I like to the see the turtles and I hope their futures will be great. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
Let’s hope so Eileen at lease the Thai authorities are giving them every chance of survival.
Very interesting post. I am glad there were not so many tourists so the Turtle could lay her eggs in peace and maybe all the babies can make it to the water in their time.
Wouldn’t that be great MaryBeth? We will be cheering them all the way back to the sea!
During the season turtles lay eggs on beaches here in Florida, many beaches have protected areas like yours. Yeah turtles!
That’s great that beaches in Florida still have turtles laying their eggs as a matter of course. Here it’s a novelty many have never witnessed. I am happy they are being properly protected like in Florida. Good luck with your turtle babies too!
Wow! Turtle protection is great ~ glad to hear ~ beautiful photos of a lovely beach ~ ^_^
Moment by moment……
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Hello Carol – yes the turtle did well, it’s a scenic spot for laying eggs for sure. There are not many people around these days but the beach activities carry on around so it is great the area has been well protected.
Have a lovely day!
Lovely to see your photographs.
All the best Jan
Hello Jan – thanks for stopping by from a chilly UK! Have a lovely day.
Wren x
What a beautiful place! I really like the quote about a turtle. Nice job on the photographs, too. 🙂
What a lovely place for the turtles to lay their eggs, and good that they are protected.
Incredible! Thank you for sharing this. May that beautiful turtle live a long and happy life, and may her babies have the same. Your photos took me right there. My heart goes out to all those who are struggling right now.