It’s a funny old world
You never know what is just around the corner…
We’re in the middle of winter
it’s been wet, and cold.
The footy pitches are muddy and disgusting to play on,
and we are wearing coats.
Don’t feel that sorry for us
this is a Melbourne winter
and the sun is generally not that far away.
Here’s the crazy poodle sunbaking in his winter woolies!
We are having the best ski season for thirty years
although lifts are shut at Falls Creek today due to high winds…
Winter chills are all around and we are surrounded by nasty flu bugs.
You can hardly get an appointment at the Doctors
these days for love nor money.
Daughter No 2 has just contracted Glandular Fever (Mono)
and now looks at those muddy soccer fields
wishing she was out playing on them.
Daughter No 1 is still happily working in Liberia.
The deadliest ebola outbreak in history continues to plague West Africa
and now the Liberian land borders have been closed.
We read every news report with keen interest.
I get a E-mail from a friend living in Asia
asking if we could be on stand-by
to collect her daughter as there is a flu epidemic
and they might be closing her section at her Melbourne
boarding school.
‘Sure no problems’ I reply.
‘As you live closer, could you return the favour and
be on stand-by to collect my daughter in Liberia
as there is an ebola epidemic and they might be closing the Country?’
‘Mum, you never guess what’ Daughter No 2 says
with more excitement than usual in her tired voice these days
‘My Melbourne University International Development
course is studying Ebola this term!’
‘Perfect’ I say,
‘Do you want me to come in as a guest speaker?!
Between your sister’s on the ground, local knowledge
and the Request for Special Consideration sick note from the Doctor,
You should get First Class Honours A+++ for that subject this term!’
Linking with Our World Tuesday
Thanks to all the hosts