I love Victoria’s Secret undies, 
 in my next life I’m coming back as an Angel…

So when my daughter sent through a link of an old school friend
on ABC television talking about an online petition 
she and two other university friends
had posted to change.org asking 
Victoria’s Secret to change their advertising, 
My first thought was 
Wow, these kids have really grown up.’

My second thought was ‘I’d better check this out’

So here it is the bra causing a storm in a D cup!
It is a beautiful bra, it gives you a great shape
and it’s design is called Body.

I’ve chosen to show you it hanging amongst my garden roses.
Victoria’s Secret latest advertising campaign shows it on
ten tall, skinny models with the words 
‘The Perfect “Body”‘

 17,500 people (and rising) all over the world 
have signed the online petition
which states:
‘We would like Victoria’s Secret to apologise and take responsibility for the unhealthy and damaging message that their ‘Perfect Body’ campaign sends out about women’s bodies and how they should be judged. 
We would like Victoria’s Secret to change the wording on their advertisements for their bra range Body, to something that does not promote unhealthy and unrealistic standards of beauty, as well as pledge to not use such harmful marketing in the future.
Tweet #iamperfect to @VictoriasSecret to help spread the message! 
Follow Frances @francesnoir, Gabriella @GKountourides and Laura @CardyGirl on twitter for all the updates!
I agreed and I was happy to add my support.

It takes a lot for a British lass to turn her back on a lifetime 
of Marks and Spencer’s bras and knickers,
but Victoria’s Secret make you feel special!
I had my first VS experience in America five years ago
and been a convert ever since.

I loved the whole shopping experience,
the personal fitting assistant
the change rooms called ‘Fabulous’ and ‘Gorgeous’.
The way I felt when I found the just right bra for me

Here is my favourite item of clothing 
my Victoria’s Secret sports bra!
Now as you can tell (blushing here)
I ain’t some stick thin “perfect” model.
No, the reality is I’m a fifty-something mother of three
who feels great in this bra…

However Victoria’s Secret you’re losing my respect,
not necessarily for running the campaign,
whilst I don’t agree with it,
I am market savvy enough so see the $$$ possibilities
for exposure from such a campaign,
but for steadfastly refusing to acknowledge 
the furore now created…

Game over Victoria’s Secret!
Please just apologise,
and acknowledge the damaging message.

What does anyone else think?
Are we being overly sensitive?

Now has anyone seen where I’ve put my wings?!


Following over 26,000 signatures to the #1amperfect petition
Victoria’s Secret have now changed the wording on the advertisement
to read ‘A body for every body’
Thank you Victoria’s Secret for acknowledging, respecting and changing
and congratulations to Gabriella Kountourides et al
for a successful petition.

Linking with thanks to Jenny at Alphabe Thursday
Y is for Yes – Mission Accomplished!

 Linking with thanks to Sally at Blue Monday
Linking with thanks to Victoria’s #PoCoLo

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