On tour with Richard Barrow

Richard Barrow, British expat, travel writer, and our unofficial news broadcaster is a national treasure here in Thailand. As a prolific user of social media and fluent in Thai, Richard is for many of us our go-to person for an understanding of local news and events. These invaluable updates have been appreciated across the land and even caught the Queen’s attention to be recognised for services to British Nationals Overseas in the New Year Honours list.

Thailand’s British expat and popular travel writer will again #stayhome to keep us updated during our current COVID-19 third wave. 

Time to share this article which originally appeared in Expat Life in Thailand. Thank you, Richard. We would be lost without you.

Out in Amazing Thailand with Richard Barrow centre & Nick Argles Expat Life in Thailand

Date of travel: 19-20 September 2020

We are a strange trio: one international blogging star, Richard Barrow in his Amazing Thailand Corporate wear, one 195cms ex British policeman (my publisher Nick), and one Little Wandering Wren.

Although to be fair between us we probably hit most of the expat demographics for the over 50’s market, except perhaps the gorgeous Insta Queens. They all left town when Covid-19 hit, so it is just little old me!

Richard Barrow, Thailand’s most famous travel writer, says a quick hello and then disappears to photograph.  We’re in Surat Thani for an action-packed weekend. He’s arrived on a plane full of media, travel agents, Department of Culture representatives, bloggers, influencers, magazine editors, and YouTube stars. Moi, I meet them there, having been collected from my staycationing in Krabi.

Photo credit Indylove Orawan

Introducing Richard Barrow

On arrival at the Led Lee community, we were asked to introduce ourselves. Richard offers a typically understated and unassuming introduction. Something like:

‘My name is Richard, I’m a Blogger.’

Those around nod, knowingly.  Enough said.

Somewhere along the line Richard’s name is incorrectly recorded and we are told we will be joined by a Richard Burrow. Of course, we wouldn’t be the bunch of fun-loving bloggers, if this doesn’t provide much entertainment for us all and merciless teasing. Mr Barrow is nothing but a true gent throughout and takes it all in his calm focussed stride.

Thailand Village Academy

We’ve gathered at the invitation of a Tourism Authority of Thailand initiative, to participate in a community-based travel experience. This is a final opportunity to showcase and tweak the Thailand Village Academy Season 2 program before it is launched onto the market.

It is a coup for any organisation when Richard accepts an invitation to attend. He gives live Twitter updates on his far-reaching social media platforms. His opinions are listened to and respected. This guy might not quite walk on water, but I have seen boats turn around in small khlongs when Richard didn’t quite get the perfect shot.

Lee Led Community photo credit: Richard Barrow

I love, love, love media trips with Richard. It’s always a pinch-me ‘is my life for real?’ moment to watch the master at work as we explore Thailand.

My publisher says, ‘please don’t blow too much smoke up his arse…’ He knows I am a massive Richard Barrow supporter and couldn’t have got through our Covid lockdown without his daily updates. I’ve called Richard a ‘National Treasure,’ and so I’m going to ignore these pleas. 

Richard Barrow at work

It’s impressive the way Richard can experience the trip, distill it into four pictures and a few lines on Twitter whilst on the move. He never stops, every momentary interlude, minibus ride or brief pause before or after meals is an opportunity to edit and publish on his social media – Twitter. Facebook, IG

I am the opposite. I never stop to think about what I am about to write and live in and for the moment. I throw myself into every possible do you want to try it” experience. I have to feel it, to write it, and that always requires some period of reflection and about 60 million edits!

Oh, to be like Richard… all done and dusted by the time hes finished the trip.

My publisher produces the beautiful Expat Life in Thailand and the humour. At one stage I am ankle-deep in mud, crouched down in a froglike position in front of a boatload of people to plant the next generation of mangrove trees, Richard is taking photos and I hear Nick yelling ‘Hey! Careful your pants have split!

Planting mangrove trees Photo credit: Indylove Orawan

Well informed

Richard speaks and reads Thai, he is knowledgeable, well connected and well-briefed about a wide range of Thai events, particularly those affecting the expat communities.

The information throughout is given in Thai, the majority of those attending are Thai, and is translated into English for us. Richard politely corrects the English translator telling us the shrimp and sea salt paste is fermented for up to one month, not one week as we are told!

He knows his readership is an intelligent, knowledgeable crowd; he will get a lot of stick for any errors. As a keen observer, Richard is not afraid to challenge or say it as it is. Richard is respected as he has not commercialised what he does and remains unaffiliated.

Richard connects with his followers on the move.

Social media

Richard’s social media profile and his daily posts via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook receive huge attention; the good, the bad and the ugly. He will soon type his 100,000th  tweet, to his 182,000 loyal followers.

It’s not all love though. He gets his fair share of disparaging comments, such as being lambasted for being a bloke joining our previous Solo Female trip to Nan.  But as I tell anyone who will listen there is not a single girlfriend of mine in Thailand who does not avidly follow Richard’s updates. A clever invitation I say.

To cope he has developed a fairly heavy armor in his twenty-plus years blogging about life and travel in Thailand, but you get the impression that he remains sensitive to some of the flak that he cops along the way.

Richard Barrow in action

Richard started all this as a computer geek, even now his day job is running the computer department for a Samut Prakan school. True to type he’s somewhat shy and not that comfortable as the star of the show. He’d rather let his words and photos do the talking.

Richard starts his day before 6 am with a tweet:

‘Good morning from Don Mueang airport. Today, I’m flying down to Surat Thani in Southern Thailand to visit the Lee Led community. This area is apparently called the “Amazon of Thailand” due to the mangrove forest…’

Richard Barrow’s famous airplane photos 

Before he can relax on the flight Richard has one more thing to do. Those of us who travel with him learn not to start a conversation at boarding time.  He magically appears at the front of the line to take his trademark airplane photo. 

No, he does not get any special treatment, nor is he allowed to board first! However, experience has taught him it’s preferable to post a photo with just the cabin crew, no passengers. He has had situations where passengers were not too keen for others to see where they went and with whom. 

Before the plane has taken off he has posted two more tweets, one including a map of areas affected by anti-government protests and another about the lack of social distancing on the airport bus.

After landing in Surat Thani Richard informs his readership of the purpose of the trip.

…I have been invited to help promote a campaign for ‘Silver Age Tourists to Visit Small Rural Villages.’ There are a total of 16 cultural tourism communities that have been chosen around Thailand…”

The Lee Led Community Photo credit Richard Barrow

In our convoy of three minivans with a large sign, ‘Mass Media Silver 5.0’ Richard positions himself so he can jump out first at any location. With over twenty people trying to obtain the same photo, timing is everything, it can get crowded. Getting a photo without someone else’s phone or camera in the way is an art.

As bloggers we are trying to get the best photos, we also have a film crew and photographers trying to get a great photo of us enjoying ourselves.

Happier behind the camera than in front

This trip is chocked full of activities – local crafts, cooking, and tree planting. The Led Lee Community is based on a river so most of what we do involves long-tail boats and water.

You need fitness and stamina to be a top blogger on these trips. Oh, and if you can get on and off a wobbly boat, one-handed whilst carrying all your photographic equipment no problem you’re in!

Whilst some of us make Khanom Chak desserts, shrimp paste, or try our hand at basket weaving, Richard does not participate in any of the hands-on activities. He does not put down his precious camera nor want to be photographed in action and does not deviate from liveblogging throughout. 

Getting the best food photographs

Back at the Led Lee Community, lunch is one of many feasts served up during the trip. Before any food is eaten it needs to be photographed. Out comes Richard’s light which he holds over the food with one hand whilst taking the picture with the other.

There is an unwritten rule on tour that no one eats before all the bloggers have finished. Honestly, sometimes it feels like on media trips like we spend more time photographing the food than actually enjoying it!

However, no one briefed our publisher and Richard misses the shot as Nick’s hungry paw appears at the critical moment ruining the shot. Richard whilst disappointed puts up with Nick’s enthusiasm and hunger.

Taking Amazon of Thailand photos

Richard boards first, having excused himself early from lunch to take some aerial photos.  He positions himself at the front of the longtail boat knowing exactly the best seat to get the best photo, supplementing information with GPS and Google Maps.

Photo credit: Richard Barrow

Richard Barrow’s photographic equipment

Richard offers a high standard of images to support his posts. He uses a Canon 6D Mark II camera but finds like most of us that his smartphone is the best for working on the road. 99% of Richard’s photos are taken with his iPhone 11 Pro Max.

He tours with all the best toys, on the boat trip the impressive Insta360 X, a 360° camera on the end of an invisible 3-meter long selfie stick. It produces some uniquely stunning aerial photos without flying his Mavic Air 2 drone.

Richard Barrow and YouTube video creator Elah Palui

On tour, Richard is generous in sharing his knowledge and know-how with others present. We are also traveling with two professional photographers, a YouTube star, and a film crew! At dinner, he teaches me editing skills for his 360° video. 

Not to mention that we all know that generous Richard can be tapped up for sharing his photos along with the precise GPS location, the correct spelling of the name, location, and any detail required to tell the story.

Richard with the Insta360X in action

His wish is their command

Whilst out on a longtail boat in the Gulf of Thailand we spot a fisherman’s hut way out in Ban Don Bay, it is picturesque but we’re going in the opposite direction. Richard asks to go closer and plans are altered to enable his photoshoot.

Bed but no breakfast!

Richard’s up early and at work, posting his daily Bangkok Post headlines. along with our 3-star loft hotel. ‘Luxury’ he declares, as often his press trips involve a shared room. 

Who says that being a top blogger means he gets 5-star treatment everywhere? Not him! Having built my last year’s travel around Thailand hotel staycations, I am keeping quiet. I am not an ‘Instaqueen’  but I’m not having them call me a posh princess either!

Richard does not join the team for breakfast, we learn the only way he survives not overeating on the media trips, is to avoid ‘brekkie.’

More on our S22 Surat Thani hotel stay here

Pra Cha Rat Traditional Floating Market – Bang Bai Mai

The highlight of the morning is the 90 minute (yes Richard’s logged the time) longtail boat ride through the natural tunnel. Richard checks the options for his readers seeing some other people on paddle boats.

In Thai, with local operators, he verifies the market opening hours and shares the information  so we can all post correct information to our readers

Wat Phra Borommathat Chaiya Worawihan

Our final stop offers Richard the time for a quick drone flight. He finds a field and some shade under the canopy of a local vendor for a quick post-flight photographic check. The aerial photos are tweeted on the way to the airport.

Richard and drone in action

Photo credit Richard Barrow

It’s a wrap Surat Thani!

Before takeoff, Richard is busy with his final jobs of the weekend. It takes seconds to design his cover image for the trip. He stops work for a brief chat and more photos with fans who approach him staying they have been keeping up with his trip on social media and chat excitedly about their weekend in Surat Thani.

I loved being Richard’s unofficial photographer, one gets the sense that the fans and I were more excited than he was, you can tell he’s not especially loving the spotlight. He’s a quiet and humble man that does what he does with passion and a calling and not for personal notoriety.

Richard posts a final:

That’s a wrap on my two-day trip to Surat Thani in Southern Thailand. I hope you enjoyed my photos and I have inspired you to visit‘

More on the Lee Led Community

I hope that this inspires you too to visit Surat Thani and the Lee Led Community one day. You too can enjoy a wonderful weekend in the ‘Amazon Forest of Thailand

Thank you to Thailand Village Academy and the Lee Led Community for sharing your lives and rich culture. It was such a privilege to be invited and in such illustrious company.

The boat ride under the dense canopy of a tropical rainforest with the green glow of fireflies at night, the birds in the trees are all magical experiences of an authentic way of life that I would not easily find on my own.

Thank you, Thailand Village Academy Silver 5.0 … these are unforgettable memories, which I will always cherish.

More can be found at


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ladyfi -

He looks like a fun guy! It’s amazing to see people out and about… while we are still in lockdown. Enjoy!

wrensrambles@gmail.com -

Oh, this was a great trip, it was back in September. We’re like you now, under lots of health precaution measures to try and stem our rising Covid numbers. Such trips seem a long time back now. Here’s hoping your lockdown situation doesn’t last too much longer, Fiona. Stay safe.
Wren x

Eileen Wise -

Hello Wren,

You have wonderful travel memories and photos. I would love the boat ride through the rainforest. Thailand sounds like a great place to visit, when COVID is gone. Take care, have a happy day!

wrensrambles@gmail.com -

I do Eileen, I have been so fortunate to have been invited on such trips. It has given me such a unique insight into Thailand.
Have a happy day, hopefully with some more Carolina Wrens to be spotted!
Wren x

magiceye -

A very interesting read embellished by lovely images!

wrensrambles@gmail.com -

Firstly a massive hug to you in India, we know you are doing it tough there with your Covid situation. I was very happy to read that Thailand was one of the countries offering International support through donating ventilators. Secondly, that you so much for your very kind comments – I’m glad you enjoyed this post.

A ShutterBug Explores -

Wonderful post ~ so fascinating and intriguing ~ Barrow is having a wonderful life ~ Xo

Living moment to moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Angie -

Wren – there are bloggers and there are BLOGGERS! Wow, what a life Mr. Barrow leads. I run at your speed – I prefer to be in the moment, reflect in peace and write later. It takes all kinds. Thanks for giving us a window into his experiences — and the pictures are all fabulous too! I appreciate having you at Mosaic Monday!

Shiju Sugunan -

Wonderful collection of photos.

Little Wandering Wren -

Thank you – it’s a wonderful part of Thailand to explore and photograph for sure.

NatureFootstep -

how great to see a travel post in these C-time. How wonderful to be paddling below a parlm tree roof. 🙂 So happy you were able to do it and to share it. Much appreciated.

Little Wandering Wren -

Yes this travel post was from over 6 months ago now, we have been really fortunate here in Thailand. I was really happy to receive such an invite too – It’s not a part of Thailand that we would have necessarily found on our own! Thank you for stopping by to read and for your lovely comment.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) -

Interesting read for sure… most of the bloggers I read regularly are hobbyist photo bloggers… you are such a professional and I’m honored you even take the time to look at mine! And your friend Richard is obviously in a class by himself! I can’t even begin to imagine living as he does!

lowcarbdiabeticJan -

I enjoyed this read and seeing the photographs shared.
Many thanks.

Stay well.

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA -

Fabulous! I always enjoy your blogposts. Thank you so much!


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