4. We can’t go very far into Thai life without talking about food. Thai’s love their street food, it is cheap, spicy and plentiful. Presentation of food is important with fruit and vegetable carving adding a creative flair to the culinary delights. Not to mention Thai food is very Instagramable!
8. The Chao Praya river runs through the centre of Bangkok. No trip to Bangkok is complete without a trip on the river in a long-tail James Bond boat.
9. The skyline of Bangkok is changing rapidly. There are constant building developments and new high rise buildings.
10. No Quintessential Thailand would be complete without the iconic Tuk Tuk transportation, it is still a fun way of getting around the city.
Today I challenged myself to show you ten photos from my archives which for me represented the most perfect or typical examples of my life in Thailand.
1. Of course, we had to start with Buddha. Thailand is the world’s most heavily Buddhist country. Over 90% percent of the population are Buddhists. It is really common to see Thai people paying their respects to Buddha.

2. We don’t walk far without seeing a shrine, or Wats (Buddhist temples) and saffron-robed monks everywhere. I have always loved the contrast of the young monk against the Starbucks backdrop. Thailand is always in my mind a wonderful mixture of contrasts and contradictions. Here the traditional Buddhism v’s commercial modernity.

3.There is a huge love of floral creations of all sorts in Thailand. Thai traditional garlands range from simple to highly complex arrangements and are placed as offerings on shrines or used as decorations such as these at Nai Lert House museum.

5. Bangkok is starting to put cables underground, but as you can see it will be a long process. I will often come across street wires and wonder how anyone can make a phone call or receive any internet, but somehow we do!

6. The roads are for all. We no longer see elephants walking down the street (thankfully), but one of my favourite sights is the street vendors pulling their wares along the main roads! Here is the local plant seller.

7. Road rules are a little different than I am used to. Things are chaotic to my eye, but actually strangely calm, you rarely hear anyone tooting their horn. Drivers are tolerant but Thailand is one of the most dangerous for road traffic accidents especially for those on the increasing numbers of motor scooters.

I hope you like these photos, let me know if you think I have missed anything out!
Q is for Quintessentially Thailand and part of
Blogging from A to Z April (2018) Challenge.
Click here to see the list of all participants!
Thanks so much to the organisers.

representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.“he was the quintessential tough guy—strong, silent, and self-contained”
synonyms: typical, prototypical, stereotypical, archetypal, classic, model, standard, stock, representative, conventional;
It’s amazing how alike cities are around the world, yet each has it’s own uniqueness. Great shots, and they really show us the city.
Thanks Liz, as they say here in Thailand “Same, same, but different”! I have appreciated your visit and kind words today.
Wren x