Check out these photos from a recent weekend on the Mornington Peninsula.
The boys were all sorted with golf, golf, and more golf… So the girls took off to explore the delights of the local area.
Welcome to the annual Red Hill Spring Garden Festival!
For a bargain entrance fee of $5, we had a fabulous day out!
There was plenty of shopping opportunities at the garden enhancing specialist stalls from across the Mornington Peninsula and Country Victoria.
We emerged clutching a rather eclectic mix of buys from miniature geraniums and other specialist plants, to homemade marmalades from the garden and pigs ears for the dogs!
The real highlight of the show had to be wandering around the flower show where judging had just been completed.
Spring is bloomin’ good here!
We’ve had a long wet winter. The drought that had many a despondent homeowner, heading off for artificial turf and succulents has well and truly broken. Those of us who held our nerve by keeping our gardens as gardens are loving spring this year. Plants that seemed to have laid dormant, or at the very least kept a low profile in the backyard, are suddenly bursting forth. If you wander around our neighbourhood at the mo, these are the sorts of plants that you will see in full bloom.
Let me show you some of the exhibits:
This exhibit captured my attention in the Australiana section, with its Australian native plants and koalas… Which admittedly I’ve yet to find a koala here on the Peninsula, we’ve seen plenty of kangaroos… Must look harder as they are obviously about…
I couldn’t resist showing you Uncle Tony and Snowy on Mount Buller (our local ski field) who won Best Exhibits in the cactus section. Well as I said, the drought has broken there isn’t as much interest in cactus these days!
All daffodils to the main stage!
We had lots to admire including a grey-haired lady with a bright yellow face, dressed as a daffodil, and who wasn’t alone in having got ‘dressed’ for the occasion. I was just asking her the story behind the rabbit shoes when the cry went up “All daffodils to the main stage” and off she hopped!
I love this show and next year we’ll be back to enter. Here is my favorite flower from my garden in Melbourne at the moment…. I reckon I have a good chance to uphold the family tradition of doing ok at the local Flower shows with this magnificent beauty. Watch out Red Hill I’ll be back!
Little Wandering Wren loves the Red Hill Spring Flower Show – Well done to all the Organisers on a great event.
Location: Red Hill Show-grounds, Arthur’s Seat Rd, Victoria 3937, AUSTRALIA
1 comment
A Red Hill Spring Flower Show visit sounds like my kind of day….lots to see and buy!!! ;D
Gotta love those bunny slippers…although I think my mutt would have her nose pushed out of joint having two cuties like that around the house!
Thanks for sharing…Have a great weekend 😀