Sorry to have been absent for a while.

I feel like I was whizzing around the world so quickly, that I temporarily spun myself clean off!

Canterbury Gardens, Melbourne looks a picture

Haha, I’m back now after a British spring and a Aussie autumn all within a few weeks. Next month I will add in a Russian summer and a Melbourne winter. How crazy is that?

I’m sure there are studies which can tell me the effect of plunging yourself into all the seasons of the year in a few weeks. I often wonder what the consequences are on mind, body, and soul? For the most part, I love it, but I do have to work hard at being grounded … and remembering on waking where in the world I am. My nightmares are about forgetting to pack a coat when needed!

My idea of a perfect day is being back with the crazy poodle taking him for walks. He is none too pleased with the whole coat thing as you can see.

The Crazy Poodle in autumn, nights getting darker, leaf crunching and wearing a raincoat!

There was a certain amount of retraining to be done, which was exhausting as it involved several nights of insisting he slept in his bed in the laundy and not someone else’s bed. May be I’m just mean? He has also claimed residence on all sofas. Here he is on the garden chairs. I know, cream cushions a dreadful idea. In my defence, they were chosen long before we had a dog with muddy paws!

At least the dog has thrived since we left for Bangkok, albeit with a new personal ‘they give me an inch and I’ll take a mile’ personality! The goldfish in the pond were not so lucky. A combination of the water levels getting low and the kookaburras in the neighbourhood and they have disappeared…

                                            Where have the goldfish gone?

Seeing the world through my familiar seasons is comforting to me. It is nearly twenty years since we first arrived in Australia and having everything back to front seemed a bit weird at first. The kids used to say a hot summer Christmas didn’t feel right. I agree. I am not alone clearly as Christmas in July is a much loved Aussie celebration, where families get together around the fire and the full turkey works are laid on.

Of course, when the rest of the world is plunged into the depths of a cold, flu and coughing season, I have always loved January in Australia! The beach, the sunshine, the tennis!

There is a retirement plan in the planning stages never to have a winter of discontent.  But after eighteen months of the most full-on summer every day in Thailand. I’m having a rethink!

I don’t have that seasonal comfort in Thailand, it does have seasons. I have noticed two: hot and hot and wet! There is little respite, it’s a life of permanently living in a blast furnace. I started craving jumpers, log fires, gloves, red noses even de-icing the car would be a novelty.

A Melbourne autumn has been a great escape. It’s a treat to wear jeans and jumpers and to wrap up in winter coats. To wake in the morning to the tune of the ducted floor heating stirring into action, rather than sleeping with the constant hum of the air conditioner.

Bangkok, although we have seasons of sorts, we are in the middle of the ‘don’t forget your brolly, and don’t wear your best shoes’  in case you get caught in a monsoonal downpour up to your middle…

What is your favourite season? Are there any seasons you would like to avoid, or do you like seeing the changes in nature? Anyone seen my brolly?

Have fun whatever the weather in your part of the world!


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Karen crimson kettle -

I would miss our seasons dreadfully and even though Winter seems to drag on a bit too long, I wouldn’t be without those cosy dark evenings by the fire or even a bit of snow on the ground. Crazy poodle looks a little different this time, still very cute though. x

Reply -

Everyone was saying what a long hard winter it was this year in the UK Karen, I feel for you! I love the cosy, dark evenings too! The Crazy Poodle had a wash and a clip when I got home, maybe that’s why he looks different!
Wren x

Liz A. -

Ah, so that’s why Christmas in July. It doesn’t really make sense in our part of the world. Although, Christmas a couple years ago we had very warm (80 degree Fahrenheit) weather. That was more summer than winter. We don’t really have what most of the world considers winter.

Reply -

Hi Liz, I think you are living the Californian dream and most would love your weather! Indeed if every season was the same and called perfect then I could do that too, haha! Enjoy your week.
Wren x

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie -

Weather does seem to dictate our lives, doesn’t it? I live in the Pacific Northwest – technically a temperate rain forest, so I can relate to wet. Then, mysteriously, it all dries up in July and most years we don’t get hardly a drop of rain until October. It must be wonderful to experience all the seasons in just a few weeks time, but maybe a bit biologically confusing. I don’t think I would like living in a furnace. It must be good to get away from that. Thank goodness for air conditioning. The poodle looks so sweet in his coat. Love the photos! Happy travels! x Karen

Reply -

Ha Ha I’m going to use that wonderful phrase Karen – I’m not grumpy with my Thai life I’m just biologically confused – love it. And you’ve got me in one! I’ve always liked the phrase there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes, but here in Thailand even if I took everything off (heaven forbid) I would still be too flippin’ hot. It sounds as if you are in a wonderful season in your beautiful Pacific Northwest, enjoy. Have a lovely Sunday! Wren x

Janice Adcock -

We moved from Missouri with definite seasons to Austin, Tx. Very little cool weather. Fall is the day the leaves fall to the ground. Miss the beauty of fresh snow.

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow -

If I could just jump from Fall to Spring to Fall to Spring non-stop I’d love it! 🙂

Sorry about the fish situation / let that poor pup sleep with you though, lol! He looks so snuggly / cuddly! 🙂

Reply -

He is snuggly/cuddly Deb and I know where he loves to stick his grubby little nose when he’s out in the park exploring all the good smells! He’s not coming in my doona Haha. I know I’m a completely mean Mum 🙂 Let’s hope your summer is not too unbearable and that the grass cuts itself by magic!
Have a lovely week.
Wren x

stardust -

I love the changing seasons from early autumn to winter with the subtle changes day by day. I somewhat like rainy season (of Japan) before summer comes with its full force. I’m lethargic in high summer due to sizzling hot and humid weather. When autumn comes I feel relieved and think that cool, crisp air of autumn really makes up for the heat of summer. So, I would be unable to live in Thailand for long. During your travelling, can you adjust yourself to the drastic weather change from winter to summer in short period? In spring this year, unusually hot or cold unstable weather caused “spring fatigue” to people. BTW, your poodle is so handsome.


Reply -

Hi Yoko, I’m definitely with you in the lethargy stakes of the hot and humid summer. I just don’t function as well when I overheat, and I know it. I seem to adjust to a point whizzing around between seasons, but recently I have been making a real effort to try to stay as grounded as possible with all my travel and time zones. The trouble is in the real heat of Bangkok, I don’t tend to get out and about amongst nature, which makes it harder. My city life is often cocooned within an air-conditioned bubble, that’s why I love the trips to the beach where the air is fresher.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wren x


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