We move a lot.
Houses, countries, continents,
they come and go.
We make a real mess of our friends’ address books!
We have lived in five houses in Melbourne, so far…
My favourite house
8 Kent Road, Surrey Hills
is just being demolished.
We moved in, in March and out in August that same year.
That’s corporate ex-pat life for you.
Companies say jump, and you do!
I never even swam in the swimming pool…
I had my 40th Birthday party at that house.
It was a ‘Rags to Riches’ themed party,
We couldn’t believe our luck to be living in this grand old house.
Of course we were only renting.
I loved that house.
Fun memories.
We had a flag pole
and a tennis court
and a bucket that we put on the kitchen table
to catch the water that dripped in through the roof when it rained!
I loved the garden too,
it was like a botanical garden.
Someone loved that garden once.
We had a giant monkey puzzle tree,
hundreds of beautiful plants,
statues and a fountain!
‘If you want something badly enough, you will get it’ – wrong!
I slept with a photo of the house beside my bed
when it came up for sale a few years ago.
If only I had an spare $3,000,000
we could have bought it.
I wonder how many houses they will build there now?
Bye, bye 8 Kent Road
We will miss you
Thanks for the memories!
Linking with Alphabe Thursday
D is for Demolition
Linking with Rubbish Tuesday