Summer is here!

Down under in Melbourne

Like some perverse sort of warm-up for my new Bangkok life, Melbourne has gone crazy hot.
It’s fine down at the beach but not when we’re back in town. I’ve jobs to do! Luckily one of those was sorting out the pond. You may have seen all the baby fish we found if you follow my Instagram @littlewanderingwren. 
Still, for those of you sitting amidst minus temperatures or staring down the barrel of a gloomy, grey January it might appear a bit churlish to be complaining about the weather but hey that’s in my British DNA. Luckily not too many of my friends dare to call me a whinging Pom!
Well, not to my face! Not everyone is being terribly nice to us at the moment. They hardly get the words out of their mouths about how sad they are to see us go before the phone calendars are open and a Thai holiday is planned! Of course, that makes me super pleased it won’t be so hard to leave if we get loads of visitors.
What am I on? Of course, it will be hard to leave, Melbourne is putting on a perfect show of loveliness at the moment. The rains of late December have combined with the warmth to make everything bloomin’ gorgeous. You don’t call us the leafy suburbs for nothing! Give us another few days are we will be burnt to a crisp, but right now all is good.
All is calm too! This is my favourite time of year in Melbourne. With many still away for the summer, it’s not uncommon in my area for families to be away at the beach until Australia Day on 26 January, it’s quieter than normal. The roads are empty and parking is a breeze! If you look carefully you can see through the fence post the building of the house across the road. The tradies are still on their hols, not a single jackhammer at 7 am, bliss!
Our garden is looking pretty as a picture. I’m rather pleased with the dainty lavender dancing amongst my Indonesian fence posts in the front garden. We created this garden art to give a subtle hint of Asia in the front garden, linking with the Chinese doors out the back. I remember saying I wanted a touch of Asia, without it being a massive Buddha’s head. Hmmm, that would make the neighbours laugh if we now added a massive Buddha’s head to the garden! You can read about our Chinese garden doors here
Sooo you see everything is getting a bit of a spruce up for two reasons, one we’re on a one-way ticket out of here, not sure when I’ll next get the chance… Secondly, we have some lovely visitors about to arrive. Here is the Crazy Poodle sporting (ha ha) his new summer short back and sides haircut. He’s on the lookout. Watching. Waiting.
Anyone for tennis?

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Jeanna -

I can hear the water trickling and smell the beautiful flowers, thanks for a glimpse of warmth and color. Nothing but a “winter mix” of snow, rain, sleet and ice here.

Reply -

Jeanna – feel free to pop by anytime, colour and warmth are pretty much guaranteed around here – usually in my puce face, I keep hoping I will acclimatise soon!
Wren x


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