I have a soft spot for the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok as one of my places of calm escape in this crazy city. Sometimes you just want to abscond from the frenetic joys of day to day Bangkok life and go somewhere really serene.
They say it’s one of the world’s best hotels and I am always happy to go with my visitors for lunch by the Chao Phraya river, the lifeblood of Bangkok. Or even better to take afternoon tea which is like stepping back in time to a Bangkok of yesteryear.
From the moment you board one of its teak boats from Taskin Pier you know you are about to transported to old-world loveliness. Bring it on!
‘Yes I’d love a cold flannel and a bottled water, kapunkap and thank you very much’
Last year we were lucky enough to join friends who were staying at the Mandarin Oriental Bangkok on the eve of the much loved late King of Thailand King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s funeral.
The Mandarin Oriental was one of several hotels used for visiting royalty and dignitaries attending the various services. We were nearly planning another funeral after Mr Wren’s near heart attack at the cost of it, but it was totally worth it.
It was an incredible honour to be staying there at one of the most important times in Thai history. What an amazing experience.
Security was really tight. The river was swimming with army patrol boats, we shared breakfast with buff men in black t-shirts wearing the word Protection on the back.
‘Shall we get you one of those ‘Protection’ T-shirts?’ I asked Mr Wren?
We had an ambulance and a fire truck outside the hotel and it was rumored a doctor was available on each floor. We stayed amongst royalty, is it really true Prince Andrew was staying amongst us? If he was, I can report he did not make it to early morning yoga like I did!
The boat came especially for me to float gently across the river (a 3-minute ride if that) to their luxury Fitness and Wellness Centre across the water. I was thinking every yoga class should start with a boat ride…
I joined my class and after the final Ohmmmm we opened our eyes to see reflected in the mirror at the front of the class were a whole Thai army of men and women in black with big guns. It was rather an abrupt return to the not-so-normal that day world, but I’m pleased they put on such high security for my safety at yoga!
Hey come to think about it maybe Prince Andrew had snuck in at the back of the class and I hadn’t noticed?!
Back in the hotel, the staff were extremely apologetic for all the inconveniences, like when they politely asked us to wait as they closed the reception area for a few minutes for the Japanese delegation moved off to the Grand Palace. Inconvenience what inconvenience, this was history in the making…
The only disappointment in the stay was that the Authors’ Lounge, afternoon tea area, was closed. Apparently, they’d had a better offer and someone, or maybe some country had hired out the entire place.
But not to worry I can take you there today…
The Authors’ Lounge must surely rate as one of Bangkok’s, if not Thailand’s, most Instagrammed locations. It is called the Authors’ lounge as a nod to the many famous writers who have stayed at the hotel over the last three centuries. You know Noël Coward, James Michener, Somerset Maugham and Joseph Conrad and now little old Wren 🙂
This is the place of silver teapots, with too many choices of tea from far off distant lands, where you need to be on the ball and to remember to use your tea strainer and perhaps a fork for your perfect cakes. You do not want to come here on a full stomach. But come here you should.
I hope you have enjoyed your tea at the Mandarin Oriental, do you have a favourite place to go for afternoon tea where you live, do share and tell! I’m come and join you and wear my best frock!
PS The Authors’ Lounge adheres to a smart dress code for all guests, including children. Ladies are kindly asked to wear elegant attire and proper footwear. Gentlemen are kindly asked to wear smart shirt, long trousers and closed shoes.
Linking with thanks to Maggie and Mosaic Monday at Normandy Life
T is for Tea at the Mandarin Oriental and part of
Blogging from A to Z April (2018) Challenge.
Click here to see the list of all participants!
Thanks so much to the organisers
Oooh, looks like a great place to visit. I’m sure I’d be turned away at the door for improper attire, though.
Are you kidding Liz? I’d make sure you were welcomed as my guest of honour! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Wren x
OH Wren yes, lol I enjoyed your tea 🙂
But I am USA and just coffee in the wee hours of the morning 🙂
Thanks Deb for joining me for a cuppa at the Mandarin Oriental. I’m into my coffee too, think that’s the Melbourne lass in me, they do a lovely coffee too!
See you soon at your space!
Wren x
I’m on the next plane to Bangkok to take tea with you in the Author’s Lounge. What a stunning location, loved the story of your stay during the funeral, what a way to get to a yoga class. Afternoon tea isn’t really done her in Normandy but I make sure to enjoy it whenever we go back to UK on a visit, the tea room at Harvington Hall in Worcestershire last month was lovely.
That would be wonderful Maggie, we’d better make it a large pot of tea then Maggie, we’d have a lot to talk about – and don’t forget your yoga kit! And I’ll join you are Harvington Hall sounds great too.
Wren x
Let’s all meet and have tea in the Author’s Lounge. It sounds positively decadent and so much fun! What a great experience to have stayed there with all the rich and famous of the world, even if Prince Andrew didn’t make it to breakfast. He just didn’t know you’d be there!
Haha Yes Let’s it sounds like we’ll have quite a crowd!
Happy Days
Wren x