I know all this because our Bookclub has been recently reading Stephen Leather’s Private Dancer. It is set in 1996 when a young writer wanders into a bar and meets a pole dancer (personally I think we could all see where this was going from this moment!) she becomes the love of his life. It doesn’t end well.
The book is written from the perspective of the writer Pete, Joy the go-go girlfriend (she couldn’t be called anything else could she?) who worked at Nana Plaza and some of Pete’s male friends. It was an interesting insight into the bar girl life. It was first published in 2005 and would still be widely relevant.
#1 Best Seller in Thailand the book’s cover claims, but give me the Bangkok Post any day!
When I first was searching for somewhere to live in Bangkok, we looked in the Sukhumvit area, not at all far from Soi Cowboy. The apartment was nice and we were interested enough for a second viewing. But I knew enough about life in Bangkok, to check out the after-hours activity.
With due cause. Girls with the highest glass shoes and hair down to their bums were loitering with intent AND on a short walk to the left, was a cart which I swear was only hours ago was selling mangos and sticky rice, was now piled high with sex toys.
There is an expression that we use all the time living here when things don’t go according to plan or follow our western expectations called:
TIT: This is Thailand.
If ever there was a TIT moment this was it!
Other friends living here are not that phased by prostitutes at the end of their street, Even Mr Wren told me – just go right! There was an element of don’t be judgemental, learn to co-exist.
Private Dancer explains how often the girls come down from the North of Thailand looking for work, the money is sent back to their families in the provinces. It’s a business model that works well for those involved… But it is also part of the seeder side of Bangkok, that seems more out there than in other cities that I have lived in.
‘Anyway, I can’t spend my entire Bangkok life going right at night’ .
Call me Little Miss Boring Wren, but we started looking for apartments elsewhere and ended up in the more traditional business and Embassy centre of Bangkok. It was a beautiful place of calm in this crazy city. You can read more about our life at Embassy Place here:
That week on a Friday night we both needed to get 3000 steps in for our daily targets. It was my idea. Let’s go for a walk outside. Mistake. We managed a short distance high above the street on the Skytrain path, but once we descended firstly the pollution hit. It was particularly bad, and has been above safe levels recorded in the newspapers.
Then we went down Pat Pong night market. It is throbbing with tourists. Music blaring. We are invited into the many bars to see a show. It is not the Bangkok that I love, just call me old-fashioned.
‘Right 2,000 steps that’s me done!’ I declared, and we retreated back into the calm of our serene hotel. Bangkok is such a land of contrasts. One minute you can be sitting by a gorgeous waterfall feeling very Zen-like, the next moment you are scurrying back. Scarf covering your mouth, trying not to breath in the fumes, or look like you are at all interested in going to a ping pong show.
P is for Pat Pong, Private Dancer and a Posse of Ladies with Intent and part of
Blogging from A to Z April (2018) Challenge.
Click here to see the list of all participants!
Thanks so much to the organisers.
This just cracked me up! Here is why 🙂 Barbara Bush ( much loved and venerated wife of a president / mother of a president ) just died the other day… and there were many news articles / memorials about her.
But I think that ( not sure but fairly sure ) that I had read an in depth article about her early life in Time magazine…and her and hubby when they were young shared their first apartment-bathroom with a prostitute / daughter 🙂
Deb – I always love to give you a chuckle. So perhaps I should relax my househunting criteria? haha
I have just read the best quote about Barbara Bush from Hootin Annie’s Blog (hootingannie.blogspot.com)
America lost a first lady April 17, 2018
“…you are a human being first and those human connections — with spouses, with children, with friends — are the most important investments you will ever make.”
And who knows? Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow in my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the president’s spouse …
… and I wish him well.”
~ Barbara Bush 1990
Hmm, weren’t you living in Australia at one point? True, I haven’t had nearly the frequent visits to your space in Blogosphere in some time and for that, I humbly apologize. I’ve turned into a real sloth, haven’t I? I will have to do something about that now, won’t I? Okay, okay… I loved reading about your new life in Bangkok. Personally, I don’t think I could do it. Call me a prude but I like a more calm, quiet life without the worry of certain kinds of people loitering on my street. I reckon this is just a way of life for many in this faraway foreign land but it’s so sad. Thanks for visiting yesterday’s A2Z ‘Q’ post and whenever you get a chance stop by again. 😉
~Curious as a Cathy
A2Z iPad Art Sketch ‘R’ for Rocks
Ha ha Cathy yes sorry that you should turn up in the new Little Wandering Wren space on P is for Pat Pong, that would have been a bit of a shock!! On any other day we have been talking all things Zen and Buddha and beautiful flowers and fabulous food and that is part of our new Thai life. Yes you are right we were in Australia! Lovely to see you here, thanks for stopping by.
Wren x
I guess there are parts in any city that are of questionable morality. I am on the boring side, quite like my not quite suburban neighbourhood although even in this quiet residential area there are pick-up places within walking distance. Must note the title of this book down, it sounds like an interesting read. Hope to pollution is better now. x
The pollution in Bangkok has its days, we’ve been worse than Beijing at times, it is definitely an issue which needs tackling in Bangkok. This could have been my other ‘P is for pollution’, maybe next time! Have a great weekend Christina and enjoy your quiet residential area!
Wren x