1. Beach boxes on the Mornington Peninsula!
We’ve been at the beach this weekend for some much need ‘away from it all’ R&R. Or in my case R&R&R rest, relaxation, and recuperation. Don’t these gorgeous beach boxes look serene and pretty?
Take a lung full of that fresh salty air before you read on!
2. Life is busy at the moment.
I find myself throwing all those balls I am juggling, higher and higher in a vain attempt to stop them crashing down at my feet – so far so good. If there is one thing that life has taught me, it’s how to send a ball up into the stratosphere with a smile on my face and a ‘see you next later’ send off…
3. Has anyone noticed I’ve become a weekend Blogger?!
My volunteer work with an organisation that supports over 3,000 people seeking asylum became a part-time locum role on July 1st. Which of course due to my complete incompetence at setting boundaries has become all encompassing. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do the job the way I want to do it. We do some amazing work with some incredible people and quite frankly why would you not want to give it your absolute all?
4. Meanwhile back at the ranch or mill!
It was looking like we were going to have everyone in hospital in August one way and another. Nothing too serious, just a combination of routine check-ups, to fixing a series of sporting injuries and misadventure. Not me, oh no. I’ll be just the Ambo driver.
Hmm, I might just have to stop for a coffee on the way in, tough luck if no-one else can eat or drink before their general anaesthetics… I’m going to need my sustenance for August.
Either that, or knock me out too, and wake me up in September!
5. Hello. welcome pleased to meet you!
Plus of course into this Madhouse, we are about to welcome in three Japanese Homestay students for a couple of weeks. I love our homestay guests, but it does tend to have me operating like a full-on whirling dervish of home baked goodness and apparent serenity!
Under normal circumstances, it takes a monumental effort to create the illusion of “Home Sweet Home.” This time, I can see to pull this off, you might just find that I will be able to score an invite straight into the finals of our Australia’s Got Talent TV show.
Wish me well!
Linking with My Sunday Photo thanks to Darren at Photalife