Scene One: Daughter Number One leaves the family nest in Myanmar, Asia. Last seen jumping into a taxi in Yangon heading off to her new life in Great Britain.
Music: A strong Da Da, Da Daaaaaa!
Fast forward to another continent…
Scene Two: The family home in Melbourne, Australia
Music: Pharrel Williams “Happy*’ is playing in the background
Her distraught family, sort through her belongings in her bedroom…
Daughter Number Two is cheerfully (in a loving sisterly distraught way) moving into Number One’s old bedroom. She knows it is bigger, brighter, it has a built-in desk and a walk-in robe, it’s generally considered the best of the kids bedrooms. She is sad to lose her sister, but pleased with her room upgrade!
Because I’m happy…”
Scene Three: later that same day
Music: violins playing a melancholy tune
Back to (the distraught) Mother sorting through what remains of Daughter Number One’s life.
She picks up a monkey picture.
Daughter Number one was born in 1992 the Year of the Monkey. The picture was one of three bought for each of the children in 2004, to show their Chinese birth years. The family were newly arrived to live in Hong Kong. 2016 is the Year of the Monkey. The Mother wails quietly!